Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain's choice is insulting!

How can we see McCain's choice of running mate as anything better than an insult? He has chosen a woman with absolutely no credentials for national office. Two years as Gov of a state with less than a million people? Come on!

The Republicans want to talk about Obama's lack of experience, then do this? The Republicans oppose affirmative action, but nominate a clearly unqualified woman, just because she is a woman (and not a bad looking one either!). I expect most women will be insulted by this choice, as it is obvious that the GOP thinks women will vote for anyone with the same plumbing.

This plays well with the GOP faithful, but if you are an undecided voter, how could this possibly make you think that McCain is showing good judgment here? How could you possibly think he is putting the country ahead of politics, as he wants you to believe his record shows?

Bad choice, particularly for a guy who would be the oldest Prez. in history.


Anonymous said...

I know right? Its like since Hillary couldnt make it to the office McCain potrays a releife perspective effert in the "plumbing" areas of politics for those who were intending on voting for Hillary for the sole perpose of her "plumbing"... (I know many of them particularly from PA) I for one am insulted to a degree.

What i find just as interesting of a ploy factor came about at Wednesday nights convention when Joe Biden points out the dear, dear friendship that goes "beyond politics" between John McCain and Biden himself. Biden states that he and McCain have travelled the world together, and have had and will have a lasting, lifetime friendship. This statment is a sublimial message bacicly intended to show that where Obama's lack of experience can be made up for with Biden's experience which is equall to John McCains. Then Biden goes on to trash every aspect of his dear friends ideals.

So it turn out that between the canidates the experience playing field is now even???? uh.....

Also, though i find that Hillary's speech on Tuesday night was annoying and old, most media driven focas has been on her flip floppy ways. Well it seemed to me that she was mearly saying that she agrees with all of the main points of Obama's campaign. Which she does, so there.

I do think the dems are trying to make positive changes for the American people.

~Jaimie Drotar (TR class 1pm)

Anonymous said...

There is one aspect that you may be leaving out here: although Palin has relatively little experience, the Democrats really have no room to bash on her about it, since Obama doesn't really have much more experience than Palin does, and Obama's running for the head honcho job, not VP.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Glenn!

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree, Palin is the only one out of both Obama and McCain and Biden for that matter with executive experience, which is the office they are running for. Infact, a lack of "washington" experience might be the best thing for this country. To me it's just as insulting to assume that McCain must have picked her because she is a woman than if he actually did. If logic like this is considered open minded then the same could be said about Obama being the Democartic nominee.

Racism, Sexism, Ageism and religious hatred are all wrong no matter what side (left or right) it comes from and sometimes these things are hard to see.

-Concerned about this countries logic and morals.