Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a few things....

My class was talking about the economics of the Super Bowl yesterday which led us to talking about the "losers gear". Every year the league makes a bunch of gear to be worn by the winners right after the game, which means that there are now a bunch of "Arizona Cardinals Super Bowl Champs" shirts and hats. The league donates the loser gear to people in poor, remote areas....poor enough, I guess, that they've never heard of Ebay. Imagine what collectors, or even constantly jilted fans would pay for it.

Well, one of my students is from Buffalo, and a loyal Bills fan, which certainly can't hurt her grade. She said she was in Mexico and saw a guy wearing a Bills Super Bowl champs shirt. She started chasing the guy down the street, trying to buy it from him for $60. He looked at her like she was crazy and ran off. Bills fans can't even get respect in the third world.

The class also wanted to talk about Michael Phelps' new-found use of water...in a bong. The question is, did he hurt his image, or has he just become a lot cooler in the eyes of a bunch of people? We he lose his Speedo endorsement, or get a new one from Doritos? The moralist hypocrites who are raging about this should shut up. When they can do with their bodies what he does with his, they can tell him what to put in it. It's not like it's performance enhancing, unless of course, you are performing rock n roll!

Finally, tomorrow night on PBS (channel 6 at 8pm in Denver) there is a tribute to the late, great George Carlin, the greatest stand-up comic who ever lived. Saw this on Taplin's blog today, so I put it here so you can all enjoy a brilliant bit of comic poetry.

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