Thursday, October 2, 2008


With the VP debate tonight, every source I check regularly on the internet has Obama ahead by a comfortable margin. Intrade has him at 64% to win, more than he was ahead after the DNC.

So, what can cost Obama the election? 2 words: Joe Biden. At this point, everyone but the true believers ( I guess that would be true believers in creationism!) know that McCain's choice of Sarah Palin is a huge mistake, and that she is totally unqualified for national office and completely ignorant of national and world issues. The smart thing for Biden to do is say as little as possible and let her talk. He doesn't want to look like he is belittling her, or intimidating her. Everyone knows he knows more than she does. And the more she talks, the dumber she sounds.

And, what is the one thing Joe Biden is unable to do? SHUT UP. The guy is more in love with the sound of his own voice then....well I am! His inability to shut up is the one thing that can save the McCain campaign. Obama should have his wife or someone in the front row holding a small "Shut up!" sign.

The real question is will Palin show up tonight, or will the McCain campaign pull a fast one and send the much smarter Tina Fey instead. If you haven't seen the 2 bits where she impersonated Palin on SNL, go to Hulu and watch. Brilliant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the famous words of Nelson Muntz...."Ha Ha!!!"

Jaimie Drotar TR 1pm class